Bereavement Support Groups

Bereavement Support Group

Although there are no magic cures or shortcuts through grief, opportunities do exist to help ease the pain, to draw strength and courage to go on and to discover, once again, fulfillment and meaning in life. Middlesex Health offers bereavement support groups for individuals who have experienced the death of a loved one. We now offer both Zoom and in-person meetings. 

The locations of any in-person support group meetings are: 

  • Middlesex Hospital in Middletown
  • Middlesex Health Cancer Center in Middletown
  • Middlesex Health Shoreline Medical Center in Westbrook
  • Middlesex Health Marlborough Medical Center

Middlesex Health’s bereavement support group meetings are open to anyone from the community who has experienced loss.

Please note: In addition to our regular bereavement support group, we offer a specialized group for Young Widows and Widowers

Those interested must submit a request below. 

Bereavement Support Group

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Must be in 555-555-5555 format
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Was The Deceased In Our Hospice Program
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Group Facilitators

Sherry Russenberger, BCCC, GC-C
Hospice Bereavement Coordinator

Rev. Dr. YangHee Christine Stopka, BCC, M. Div., D. Min. 
Middlesex Health Spiritual Care Department Director/Chaplain